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Consumer loan

A good option when unforeseen expenses arise.

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Organise your finances – combine all your financial commitments into one.

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Credit card

Shop securely online and abroad with confidence using your credit card.

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If you own a home or holiday property, you can apply for a loan secured by the home. With a mortgage, you get a much lower interest rate and a longer repayment period than with a loan without collateral.

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At Motty, you’ll always receive personalized support from our knowledgeable team. Our experienced advisors are dedicated to understanding your unique needs and providing tailored solutions that work best for you.

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Hva er en brukskonto?

Brukskonto er en bankkonto for daglig bruk og transaksjoner. Dette er kontoen du bruker når du betaler for ting, tar ut penger med, og til å motta lønn eller andre inntekter.

Hva er forskjellen på en brukskonto og en sparekonto?

Når en brukskonto brukes til daglige transaksjoner, brukes en sparekonto til sparing. Forskjellen ligger i hvordan de ulike kontoene brukes. En sparekonto har også ofte høyere renter enn en brukskonto, og er ikke ment for hyppige transaksjoner.

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The world of banking has tons of words, which are not always so easy to know what they are. Here you will find several words and concepts with simple explanations of what they mean.

What are the rules for payroll deduction and how to stop it?

What is payroll deduction? Salary deduction is when an employer withholds part of an employee’s salary. The same applies if you receive social security benefits – in that case you may have your wages deducted by NAV before payment. Payroll deductions can be made for various reasons, such as voluntary agreements, debts or statutory deductions....

How can you negotiate the interest rate on your mortgage?

Securing a favorable interest rate on your mortgage can save you thousands of kroner in interest expenses over time. Negotiating the interest rate is an important part of the mortgage process, and there are several factors that can affect your negotiating position. Here are some important factors to consider in order to get the best...

Avdragsfrihet på boliglån

Høye renter, økte priser og uforutsette hendelser kan gjøre det vanskelig å betale ned på boliglånet. Da kan avdragsfrihet være en midlertidig løsning.  Hva er avdragsfrihet?  Avdragsfrihet er en periode hvor du kun betaler renter og gebyrer på boliglån, og ikke avdragene. Avdrag er beløpet du nedbetaler på gjelden. Mens renter og gebyrer er beløpet du betaler...

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