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Consumer loan

A good option when unforeseen expenses arise.

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Organise your finances – combine all your financial commitments into one.

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Credit card

Shop securely online and abroad with confidence using your credit card.

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If you own a home or holiday property, you can apply for a loan secured by the home. With a mortgage, you get a much lower interest rate and a longer repayment period than with a loan without collateral.

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At Motty, you’ll always receive personalized support from our knowledgeable team. Our experienced advisors are dedicated to understanding your unique needs and providing tailored solutions that work best for you.

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Fem-prosent regelen

Bankene må regne ut om du tåler en renteoppgang på 5 % på det lånet du søker om i forhold til din egen inntekt eller de lånene du allerede har. Hvis summen av en renteoppgang på 5 % gjør at du når «femgangeren» eller mer, skal lånesøknaden i hovedsak avslås. Dette er fordi bankene skal sørge for at du ikke låner mer enn fem ganger din egen inntekt.